Native Americans are Soul Elders. Just like
us, they are learning to trust themselves,
to the soul, the emergence of the Sun Dance!
Here we are united in soul and flesh,
the blue and red roads cross to unite
the Morning Star (yellow way), the
sacred eight directions and here/hear
evolution, the place we stand!
I bless the nine sacred directions in thee...
In (heart), out (breath), up and down
(wind of all life, of the eternal circle)
n,s,e,w, here (evolution's path, to self
and as a whole with others, we call God). |
An Indian (native american, red children, not to be confused with India, who are the yellow children) is a soul elder, but walks in the world as a child, always learning, always searching, how to dream, with a heart full, like a child (learning to purify, blessings pave the way, to lean on love this day). We are here to understand, we are all part of the same clan, Rainbow Warriors are we. We just have to believe. (Remember that white children are the father nation and black children are the mother nation. We all have our part to play. But during this time in evoultion, we are learning to use our souls, to emerge, from the reflection of self inwardly to shine (trusting heart) and have a second birth of the soul. This is a time of awakening all over the world, full of prophecy at every turn.)
One little Indian (soul elder), two in a row (crystalline stone river), three to get merry (joy, yellow rolling hill, dreams), now, go cats go (follow the flow)! One little man child (perfect light and dark), coming on the run (having too much fun), wondering if everything is going under the sun (flowing river dance, upside down, per chance). tell all the children, the souls do survive, coming and greeting all the knives (sharing and dividing, abundance for all. you see everyone comes running to see if you will share, bringing presents if you dare).
One little Indian (soul), walking in a row (unites), telling all the stories (wisdom, sharing hearts), go cats (flow) go! Wondering if the elphants (power of the red road, the law of love) will turn around and dance, speaking of the stories, by and per chance. Will the seas (heart of you and me, the blue), fill up with breeze (winds of time), the whales do fill our hearts (with songs from heaven, elongated notes of powerful love), dabble down beneath the snow (lightly compact, where are glaciers are packed tightly together, where the crystalline stone river can float above the seas, the heart of you and me), where glaciers all are real (light show, when lights go through a crystal, it divides and radiates pure rainbow colors, the rainbow clan, we are all part of this flowing river). But now, we are one family (Rainbow Clan). One (voice), two (united), three (joy) cats (flow) go.
Come let's be like children, but wise like the soul. One little indian, two in a row, three get ready, it's the sun dance glow. Feel everybody, walk with your heart, show us how to deal, with those, who do not impart. Velocity, come to me, spin a spiraling sea (evolution). Where my vision carries me through, the heart of me and you (use love, to unite a broken heart).
One little Indian (soul elder), walking in a row (on the path of the red road, the law of love), sharing the stories that give us gold (brotherhood). And when we get together (all colors) and realize, they (red man) need us (older flesh, we need them as soul elders), then all the little indians (flesh children), will be walking in our hearts (sisterhood). Children (red man, yellow man and children) always impart, the treasures of our lives. We are gifted, to share our knives (separating to give away, sharing). Now, we have a way to live, because you put us through a sieve.
Don't you sea, it's clear to me. The horizon and all it's leaves (relatives). My heart goes to and fro, pitter patter always knows. Let the tears dry our eyes. Let the souls, stay alive. Share the beat, be the sweet, the smile that comes through. It's me and you.
Come dance with me. Show me the solemn tree. I have a way to survive, when I recognize the knives (sharing and dividing for all, we work together as one, an effort for all parts, to contribute). It's relatives we meet, those who walk down easy street, always shining with their hearts, because they do impart (wisdom from our souls).
One little Indian (soul elders, twin child of man), comes to me, telling me, there's more in the breeze, but we must look with our hearts, to feel the heaven we impart (the soul, a light from within). We are greatness don't you sea. Inside a soul that can relieve, all the sins, we do hide, to break up, with our pride (dancing sun dance). We are proud to be free, when we forgive all the leaves. It's time for me to move on. I hope someday, they will follow along (find blessings and using love).
One little Indian (elder soul with wisdom) tells me, feel with my heart in the breeze. Can't you realize, that we are part of one tribe. Rainbow Clan, you and I, always walking in this world with pride, knowing we belong to this world, where God is filled, inside, the Oneness, we call home. Let relatives always roam. Give up a place for them, for they are learning to swim (the blue or heart of you and me.
The butterfly represents the
flight of the soul, in the wind.
We all have a butterfly bone,
called the sphenoid bone that
bends each time we breathe.
Each breath (merkaba) offers
you closer to your dreams! |
Come and dance with me. Feel the heart so free. Know that blessings carry you away, into the human flight this day. Take your soul and learn to breath. Take a breath and conceive. Dream a world without sin, begin to treat your relatives in the wind. Show them you care. Watch over each in your wares (in all you do). The places you live in this world, the places you think you hide. Always remember, there is one embrace. Look at this sky, and know, you are part of this taste. You want it to change, listen to me (all the other voices), the heart in the breeze. Come and dance with me. In the stars of the seas. We are one voice in our head, with others who are bled (walking the red road, the law of love, the ones who suffer for love).
(lowest red road note) And it's where we survive, when we bless all day and night. We need hold a place in time, to bring in a heart of thine. It's a red road, that we believe. It's a heart that we conceive. and it's dreams that sail away, when we choose the best way. When we trust our hearts, we are begining to throw our darts, at the target ahead, where the red road bled (suffering for all, for love). And it's soon, going to change, you and me are in a new game. And the hearts we beseech are going to need us to look clean. We are purified in the wind, because we bless every day to begin, we are walking talking souls, who make up the rainbow (end lowest red road note).
Inside this road we hear all the lives, the entities that survive. And we need take note of this, all have a human kiss. They are real, even blind, just like we are too, down here on earth. And it's what we need to learn, that blessings, teach us to yearn. Those who don't know how to speak, but can keep up, the blessings, and be neat. Always making sanctuary space, protecting all who are in their face. Using love at every turn, even if we learn to burn. We are going to have a way, to live sacred, when we pray (blessings with fire and water).
Come and dance with me. Come and feel the breeze. Open hearts this day, walking still a new way. Trusting God in thee, instead of only man (vision with eyes, light space). You sea (vision with a heart, dark space). Come and count the rows, see the cats glow. Know the rainbow show exists and you are just one kiss. Each of heaven and earth exists and it's time for us to learn, that we are part of this burn, the collision course heaven has earned (evolution through the use of love). It's evolution's awake. We must learn for heaven's sake. Bless each day, eternally. Bless the relatives in the seas. Bless always, the way to believe, to follow the dream.
One little Indian we adore, bringing wisdom from the eternal floor, walking the red road, to fill our lives, always thinking we are part of this knife (sharing and dividing for brotherhood, the clan shares). I don't want you to go away. But someday, you may have to walk away, because you don't know how to forgive me. But someday, you will forgive me. And on that day, we fly away, to rejoin our hearts again. We will be free, allowing our hearts to soar again. One little indian in a row (elder soul), two hearts that do show (united rainbow). We can fly in the sky, always looking out and finding out why. Come dance with me. Flying over the breeze. My sails are set for you, to be part of the sacred blue.
Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star, your Father Red Hand drums and White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother sings for you! The heart of the Rainbow Clan, needs a hand, to life the blessings, upon a stake, light the world, with prayer, do we hear, to be with God, the Sacred Rainbow (Clan) this day, because we are ready to be sacred slaves (servants to each other). For brotherhood will be known, when we share the cosmic throne, with those who are kingmen, the kinsmen of our lives, relatives, who gift the heart (leaves on the tree of life). We are all a part (Oneness of God). Those who walk and talk the way, of the holy grail of God's days, that path of love is true, the Red Road, the law inside of you.
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Buffalo Home:
the four sacred directions
of the Rainbow colors
each of us carry. Our
Holy Temple that contains
our Eternal Soul. |
Teach what is right, that law is the LOVE, then when two hearts is united, we share with intelligence. However if LOVE doesn't lead the way, then we fight to unite LOVE, two broken hearts, then we know that we are walking the truth path, the love to each other, the kind that lasts, over rolling hills in time, over the suns, and into the heart of the blue seas of every one. We are the Prophecy, the Rain upon the Land, so parched, it will need a Rainbow, to serve it home the right way and know where to land (the Rainbow always lands on the pot of gold, abundance, brotherhood)!